Monday, February 1, 2016

Learn About the Different Installation Methods for Solar Pool Heating Systems

Using a solar pool heating system for your swimming pool can extend your swimming season making it comfortable to swim before and after summer hits. A solar pool heating system is one of the most cost effective means of heating your swimming pool water costing you much less in energy bills than alternative heating methods.

Integrated Solar Heater

Solar pool heating systems come in different installation types, and one of those is an integrated system. In such a system, the pump draws in water from the pool and carries it to the solar panels. This means that the filtration and the solar system have to work concurrently.

Separate Suction Heater

In this case, the filtration system of a pool has its own piping and so does the solar heater. Such a system makes it possible to run the solar heater without necessarily turning on the filtration system. You can also filtrate your pool without the solar panels being on.

Divert Valve Heater

A divert-valve system is another solar heating installation method you can use. As the name suggests, the system has a diverter valve installed which allows water to flow from the main filter pump to the solar collectors, while some water returns direct to the pool.

Benefits of Each Installation Type

There are merits to using each of the different solar heating methods for your pool. An integrated system is perfect when a homeowner has restrictions on piping. For instance, there may not be enough space to provide piping for both the solar heater and the pool. Independent suction systems, on the other hand, allow homeowners to operate their solar heaters any time of day they wish without turning on the filtration system.


Saving with Solar Pool Heating: Page 2 of 3,

Solar Pool (and Hot Tub) Heating,

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